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Addressing the Housing Crisis in Lesotho: Habitat for Humanity’s Efforts

Addressing the Housing Crisis in Lesotho: Habitat for Humanity’s Efforts

Lesotho, a small landlocked country in Southern Africa, faces a significant housing crisis. With a high poverty rate, a devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Basotho struggle to access decent and affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity Lesotho has been working tirelessly to address this pressing issue, providing homes and advocating for the rights of vulnerable groups.


The Housing Need in Lesotho

Lesotho is classified as one of the least developed countries globally, with a national poverty rate estimated at 34.7% in 2022. The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the adult population (15-49 years) stands at 25%, the second highest in the world, resulting in 27% of children under the age of 18 being orphans. The majority of housing constructions in Lesotho consist of mud, stones, or sticks, lacking proper ventilation and security, as they often lack windows and adequate locks. Disputes over land ownership and inheritance rights frequently result in vulnerable individuals losing their property to land seizures.

Habitat’s Approach to Addressing the Need

Habitat Lesotho focuses on serving vulnerable groups, such as orphans, older adults, and people with disabilities, by building two-room homes with safe sanitation facilities. In fiscal year 2023, they completed 51 new homes and initiated ownership processes to ensure vulnerable households legally own the land before the home is built.

Prospective homeowners receive education on personal hygiene, home upkeep, inheritance rights, and land tenure security to prevent property seizure and disinheritance.

Advocacy and Empowerment

Habitat Lesotho supports vulnerable populations by sharing knowledge on property and inheritance rights, as well as land tenure security. They conduct call-in radio shows to promote awareness on these issues and offer training sessions to vulnerable households and members of the local community. In FY2023, more than 1,600 people went through inheritance and property rights training, sparking an increase in the number of wills registered through various Habitat projects.

Collaboration and Sustainability

Habitat Lesotho works in close collaboration with the Government of Lesotho, development partners, NGOs, and local organizations to address the needs of vulnerable families that often extend beyond the need for decent shelter. This all-round approach ensures community ownership of projects and the sustainability of their efforts. In addition to building homes, Habitat Lesotho provided 44 energy-efficient stoves and solar lighting and rehabilitated three water systems in FY2023.


Habitat for Humanity Lesotho is making significant strides in addressing the housing crisis in the country. By providing homes, advocating for the rights of vulnerable groups, and empowering communities through training and collaboration, they are working towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all Basotho. However, much work remains to be done, and continued support from the international community is crucial in addressing this pressing issue.


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